Akhbar Atas Talian No 1 Borneo

 I recognize and respect journalists – Datuk Robert



Robert (center) with media practitioners in the interior of Sabah

ASSISTANT Minister of Works Sabah Datuk Robert Tawik @ Nordin said he was very respectful of journalists.

“If it not you (Watawan)  I wouldn’t be where I am today  (Wakil Rakyat) .. Many journalists help me, ” Robert was quoted on opening the dinner with the Wakil Rakyat Bingkor with the Keningau Journalist Association and the Sabah Interior Media, last Monday.

Robert said the task of a journalist was very heavy as a reporting agent of the development agenda to the people.

“Many journalists help the government spread the government’s agenda to the people to know about every government program to develop the state of Sabah,”.

“I see journalists as important parties who help the government to see, review and communicate the people’s problems to the government for action,” he said.

Robert, who is the Bingkor State Assemblyman, emphasizes the latest challenges of journalists, is faced with the credibility value of journalism practices that are increasingly questioned.

“The credibility of journalists and the media is now a warm topic when the community began to evaluate and deal with,”.

“All the questions arise because of the creation of news that contradicts the ethics of journalism,”.

“The level of readership reliability depends on what the news organization has delivered,” press it and adds, a good journalist just wrote news based on the right facts.

The first event at the Taman Bandukan Rivrside Keningau was also attended by almost all media practitioners in Keningau, Keningau Information Department Officer, Deputy President of the Keningau Journalist Association (KJA) Dr. Francis Andin, International Portal Editor-in-Chief The Borneo Digest Mohd Khairy Abdullah, Keningau FM manager and local leaders.

When met after the ceremony, Robert, known in the Keningau district as ‘journalist-friendly leader’, said he would deliver a relaxing ceremony with journalists as a year’s event.

He examined partnerships to those who were new to the world of journalism to refer those who were more experienced to gain knowledge.

“Journalists are professionals who need high knowledge and expertise .. It is not easy to become a journalist  because this group is very selected,” he said.






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